Sunday, August 28, 2011


As I'm sure I've mentioned, I'm a high schooler.  As I'm also sure I've mentioned, I'm also homeschooled.  Because of the lack of a structured curriculum, I've found myself graduating a year early. Totally not what I was expecting, but according to the people around me, I'm smart.  Anyway, because I'm apparently smart, and because I'm homeschooled, I've been taking classes at the local community college to graduate high school, because it's easier than the last schooling program I was in.

Not kidding.  College was easy.

Of course, I am saying that as someone who is lazily lazing in front of the computer that has a background of "LAZY."  My mom put it up as an attempt to get me to do something, but it hasn't worked.  I haven't even bothered to change it.  When I actually start doing more schoolwork, believe me, I won't be saying it's easy.

That's the lazy part of me speaking.  Last year, when I leave the house at six, the lazy part of me was screaming at me to go back to bed.  It wasn't a very fun experience.  While I don't have to leave the house at six in the morning this semester, I'm still dreading not being able to stay in my PJs all day.

However, I am somewhat excited that I'm going to be reading HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy for school credit.  That, my friends, is just plain awesome.

So, I start school this week.  This post is basically me letting you know that I'm half REEEEEALLY excited, and half dreading it.  Because, as we all know, school turns us into zombies.  Schools are the beginning of the zombie apocalypse, and while I may be immune to the fatal effects of a zombie bite, I'm not immune to the brainwashing of a boring teacher.

In conclusion...schools.  Blech.

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