Saturday, April 23, 2011

I woke up this morning, and this is what it looked like.  No, your computer isn't malfunctioning.  It's just gray.  Yesterday, it looked like this.
Not kidding.  There were birds singing, gophers walking around, deer skipping with flowers on their heads.  The garden gnomes were going chores, whistling on their merry way.  It was a scene straight from Cinderella, or Snow White.  Probably Snow White.

The weather, wherever I seem to go, is bipolar.  Or indecisive.  It'll be raining one day, and beautiful the next. It's like the weather can't make up its mind.

There was a point behind this, but I can't remember it right now.  Oh, wait, I got it.

Yesterday, because I didn't get much sleep that night, I took a nap.  But, because the day was straight from a Disney movie, there was constantly light in my face.  I cannot sleep well when there is light, so I drifted into the semi-conscious zone where I had my eyes open but I was still dreaming.  And it was in that state that I have my weirdest and most random ideas.

As I was lying there, my eyes started to get really dry, and I got incredibly aware that I was wearing my contacts.  Then, for some reason, I came to the conclusion that contacts were like underwear for your eyeballs.

Like that.  And glasses are eyeball-clothes, and sunglasses are eyeball-coats.

I tried to explain this to my mom, but she gave me this look, and nodded sympathetically, while thinking something along the lines of 'THIS is what goes on in my daughter's head?'

Of course, that thought has probably crossed through her mind many times before.  I mean, this eyeball thought isn't the first of this breed of thought to cross my mind.  Most of them happen in the middle of school, and I don't generally say anything because my mom thinks that I focus on these weird thoughts, and focusing on weird thoughts when I should be focusing on schoolwork is frowned upon by parents.  In fact, it's more like the thought drops into my head, instead of me searching for it.

It doesn't really matter how I think these thoughts though, the important thing is that I do.  and, I guess that's what makes me, well, me.  so, I think that's what I'm going to blog about.  These thoughts that pop into my head for no good reason.  Maybe I'll share stories that might help to explain why I think that eyeballs coverings need to be classified into specific types of garments.  Who knows?

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