Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's been a while since my last post, but I like to think I have a good reason for it.  I'm taking a summer class( not summer school.  I passed my classes) and my brain has been overloading with Supreme Court cases and the true identity of Deep Throat.  So, today, I decided to make a post, and just talk about relatively stupid things.  y'know, same as ever.  

So, I realized what school is for.  It's not about maths and history, and it's not practice for beating up small children, or a starting ground for young Mafiosos, although that last one is actually a possibility.  Nah, school is a place to learn how to learn.  I actually learned this watching a Youtube video, and I sortakinda took it a step further.  Personally, I learn best when reading books.  If you want to learn about the world, read history books.  If you want to learn about politics, read diaries of politicians.  If you want to learn about maths...grab a calculator.  

Basically, there are books for everything.  Then there's the internet.  I shouldn't bash the internet, because at the moment, it's my main medium of talking to complete strangers on another continent (hi guys!) but I do prefer books as a learning place.  I don't mean the type of learning where you go, "Hey, I wonder..." and decide to look it up.  The internet's a wonderful place for random questions.  

I read books, a lot of them, but I read fiction.  When you read fiction, you obviously can't learn about history, mostly because fiction doesn't always happen in this world.  Nah, I read fiction to learn about people.  Fiction books don't revolve around the plot, or the world, but the people.  And it's the people that you learn from.  

Oh yeah, and if you want to learn how to make a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blast, read Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  

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